Here we present some of the factors that the venture capital set alongside other types of financing.
Venture capital financing generally provides for companies that are in their early stages of development. The main receptors for these funds are small and medium enterprises because they are on the rise, and large range of development compared to the already established companies.
Venture capital is articulated through the acquisition of shares in the capital of the companyThe investment, usually through the purchase of shares. It is a way to save by the lack of self-financing of small and medium enterprises channel.
Venture capital at low cost for small businesses. They would only pay for the cost of transactions, if they are not. The benefits are greater than the costs.
Some venture capitalists are investing companies in promising areas of work are more advanced sectors of industry and science. Companyhow Eurocorp function as venture capitalists, but merely funding for new technologies in areas such as bio-genetics, biotechnology, hospitality industry, tourism and leisure industry. Venture Capital is focused recently on the green or environmentally friendly technology and industry. Examples would be fishing, water management and ecotourism.
The largest investor is willing to take some of whom, as a rule, a lender.
Risky investments are attractive because venture capitaliststhey offer them significant benefits if the company is successful in their lines of work. Venture capitalists will recover their investment when they sell their shares at a much higher price than that which they have acquired.
Called venture capital, including venture capital, is not comparable with investments involve a different degree of involvement, like commercial loans and investment trusts.
Commercial loans can provide greater security to the entrepreneursin which he or she receive the money.
Finally, the distinction between investment companies and venture capital is still both a degree of risk, the former is associated with a pledge support to improve the situation of the company, still in the area of corporate governance and venture capital. Consider the credit risk capital as a participatory study required that during this one are Liquidity Provider for the company, it is a financial report, negotiatedContract.
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