Selling your business must not be complicated, but it is a process that is unique and one that most entrepreneurs do not have much experience with.
What buyers want in a business
Business buyers are a fickle bunch. Most of them (some even say 90%) will never actually buy a business. The role of the Business Broker is to qualify the serious buyers from those who are "window shopping". This is a crucial roleBrokerage firms that play. The focus of this article is to provide some key elements that seek the most "serious" buyers in a business review for sale.
Historical cash flow
It is an expression that says "Cash is King". This is a very true statement, if you intend to sell a business are. Buyers are very interested in companies that have a successful track record of historical earnings and cash flow. If you are an owner thinking of an exit plan for your company,Take a look at the past two to three years of your finances. Determine what is the cash flow. If you need help, talk to your accountant or business broker for assistance. It is very difficult to develop a plan to lose the money or who sell only marginally profitable. All too often hear that a real estate owner wants to "sell my business - but it has potential." Potential is great, but it also needs to cash flow.
If the cash flow sustainable?
A buyer is not onlyInterest in historical, how much profit is generated in the company, but is interested more so if the results are sustainable. A buyer is a company to be interested in an excellent outcome history, only if he or she believes that they buy the company and the profits do not evaporate when they are made the sale. If you have a business where the whole operation depends on you being there - then it is a difficult kind of business sale. If you own, where yousuccessfully train and transition countries, a new owner with little interference by the customer or the results - these are the types of companies that have sold more quickly.
Is the business priced right?
If a venture has a strong historical earnings, sustainable income and easy for the transition - is yours but not exact prices - the company will be difficult, too. First steps of the evaluation (or price) right for a company to sell is crucial. Example - if youown a small business that generates $ 75,000 in earnings each year, an owner / operator and you expect that a price of $ 1,000,000 to ask, it is extremely difficult if not impossible to sell, too. Remember that most small businesses are being evaluated 2-3x "seller's discretionary cash" if you think about a sale price. If you need help, talk to a broker or a firm rating available. If you on the sale of your business please be realistic about the seriousness of the issuePrice.
Do not go with an intermediary "I think of the sale. My business earns me at 50,000 U.S. dollars per year, but it has potential, I would ask to half a million dollars for them." Must have a certain potential for a sale. Potential buyers expect. If there are none, then it will be very difficult to sell your business. If this is all what you do offer, you must re-examine your sales strategy very closely. Buyers will naturally ask whether there isa lot of potential in the business, why else have you done with him. This is a very important point.
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